There are 24.03% of Indonesia's population having open defecation behavior. This behavior has the potential to cause a disease such as water-borne diseases. The research aims to determine the relat…
Cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) but it can be reduced by HPV infection. The aimed of this study was to explore perception and knowledge about HPV, cervical cancer and HPV va…
Diarrhea is endemic as a disease which causes death on infants. Bad child parenting and socio cultural tend to be predisposition factor causes diarrhea. This study aims to obtain the correlation be…
In Indonesia, a lot of people aren’t used to having breakfast, report Riskesdas 2010 16,9%-50% school-age children in Indonesia weren’t used to having breakfast, consumption of 35.000 elementar…
Nursing services that are still lacking will cause patient dissatisfaction and cause various complaints. The more complaints, the patient satisfaction during treatment in a hospital decreases. The …
Cervical Cancer is the disease with the most suffered by people after Breast Cancer. Cancer cause decrease of condition in both physical and psychological. The impact of this cervical cancer makes …
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease indicated by abnormal increase of blood glucose level. Diabetes mellitus requires long-term medical attention and treatment to prevent complication and manage…
Pre-school children entered developments stage that include gross motor development, fine motor, socialization, independence, speech and language. Each stage of development has the potential for de…