The coverage rate of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is still low despite its ability to affect a baby's health status and ability to survive. In 2017, only 35.73% of babies in Indonesia recei…
The incidence of infections in preterm infants is still quite high. In this study, oral care with human breast milk was implemented in risk preterm infants as a precaution. The study was conducted …
Impaired emotional development is a problem faced by children and this can negatively impact on function, development and readiness of their school. Exclusive breastfeeding is able to meet brain de…
Exclusive breastfeeding intention is a mother’s intention to provide her baby only breast milk since the infant was born until at the age of 6 months. Intention in prenatal period is the direct a…
Breastfeeding mothers needed adequate energy intake to provide 6-month exclusive breastfeeding that is necessary for infant growth and development. This study aimed to investigate real intake at th…
Continuity of breastfeeding process when mothers return to work is a serious issue that immediately must be followed up, so that exclusive breastfeeding program within the first six months can be a…