Purpose: The aim of this study was to understand how Thai families care for dependent older adults. Design and Methods: The methodology used for the study was grounded dimensional analysis. Partici…
To prevent the worse health condition especially for poor society because of monetary crises since 1997, the government launched Public Health Assurance or Jamkesmas (Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat).…
Families need enough knowledge to help solve clients experiencing hallucinations nursing problems, one of which knowledge to assist the family members in helping clients control hallucinations. The…
The phenomenon of lactation in nursing mothers breastfed exclusively fulfillment requires comprehensive treatment in the community related to the population at risk in the group of breastfeeding mo…
Prevalence or incidence of depressive disorder ranged from 15-30 percent of the various data studies conducted in various countries. The number of events increased in some special populations such …