Due to its location in the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire”, Indonesia is frequently prone to natural disasters. Therefore, Indonesian nurses need to have the ability to assist in disaster situations as …
Mucositis is very common in children with cancer who received chemotherapy. Mucositis in children renders other health problems such as pain, eating problems, insomnia, and emotional problems that …
Early mobilization is important for critical patients to improve cough reflexes, eliminate bronchial secretions, facilitate work of mucociliary drainage muscles, and to prevent associated pneumonia…
Adolescents’ problematic behavior is in relation to premarital sexual behavior. Adolescents’ premarital sexual behavior can cause abortion, unwanted pregnancy, death, potential HIV/AIDS infecti…
Otak manusia seperti hologram, terdiri atas tiga dimensi dengan bagian-bagian yang saling berhubungan sebagai satu kesatuan. Latihan otak dapat membuat otak bekerja aktif. jika lansi…
Serangan jantung biasanya disebabkan oleh penyumbatan yang mencegah darah mengalir ke jantung atau otak, sehingga dapat terjadi kerusakan atau komplikasi lebih lanjut seperti; miokard infark (kemat…