Impaired emotional development is a problem faced by children and this can negatively impact on function, development and readiness of their school. Exclusive breastfeeding is able to meet brain de…
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in children is a neglected global health problem, with an increasing proportion of TB cases in Indonesia. Children with TB are most often impacted by TB transmission in …
Malnutrition and stunting prevalence in under-five children in Cirebon City are still high that reach 13.9% and 15.7%. Rebon shrimp (Acetes erythraeus) contains high protein and calcium. Influence …
Parent-child relationship is influenced by the role of social, cultural and contextual factors that determines child development. Drug addiction is very rampant in the society that involves both ch…
Introduction: Open defecation behavior is one cause of poor sanitation, which can lead to various diseases. Open defecation behavior related with cultural factors that become a habit in the daily l…
Introduction: The problem of obesity in children aged 5-12 years in Indonesia is still high, East Java is one of the provinces that have a higher prevalence of obesity than the national average (Ri…