Elementary school is a place that can result in increase of dengue disease among children because of environmental factors, potential transmission, the absence of good environmental management syst…
Educating Indonesian children to improve their knowledge about the importance of maintaining oral health is needed. This study was aimed to explain relation between several factors in elementary sc…
Handwashing with soap behavior in Indonesia remains a problem. The cause is associated with lack of awareness in handwashing with soap. This study aimed to determine effect of school community empo…
Introduction: Open defecation behavior is one cause of poor sanitation, which can lead to various diseases. Open defecation behavior related with cultural factors that become a habit in the daily l…
Introduction: The problem of obesity in children aged 5-12 years in Indonesia is still high, East Java is one of the provinces that have a higher prevalence of obesity than the national average (Ri…
This paper literature reviewing about integration model which can use in manage children with obesity problem. Obesity not just a problem for an adult, now this is a serious problem in school age c…