Introduction. Exclusive breastfeeding has become a major issue in Surabaya because the number of exclusive breastfeeding coverage are less than 80% which is below the national target. The purpose o…
Introduction: Scizophrenia is a disease which affect of brain, causing impaired perception, thought, emotion, movement, and behavior, such as self care deficit. Self-care deficit is an impaired abi…
Introduction: The level of male participation in family planning by choosing vasectomy in East Lampung region Pekalongan health centers is still low, although the success rate of vasectomy as famil…
Introduction: The problem of obesity in children aged 5-12 years in Indonesia is still high, East Java is one of the provinces that have a higher prevalence of obesity than the national average (Ri…
Introduction: Education is the important component in self-management of Diabetes mellitus patients. Nurse as one of the health care provider should take active role in giving adequate education. T…
Introduction: Most of (90,6%) nursing education quality in East Java was still low (BAN-PT, 2012). It was because the quality improvement process in nursing education generally was conducted partia…
Introduction: The Province of West Java is one of the highest HIV sufferers in Indonesia that has increased accumulatively in 2013 to 2014. This condition was proven that in 2014 West Java ranked 4…
Introduction: Exposure to pathogens is a serious issue for nurses. The literature explains that standard precaution have not consistently done in nursing. The purpose of this study was to analyze t…