Previous studies show that knowledge of prenatal care in rural areas remains low that affects to bad behavior, so developing health promotion models is needed to improve prenatal care knowledge, at…
Vol. 11, Issue 1
Hlm. 7-13
Series Title
Kesmas, National Public Health Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 1, August 2016
Calzone, Kathleen A. - Jenkins, Jean - Feero, W. Gregory - Bakos, Alexis D. - Cashion, Ann K. - Donaldson, Nancy - Feetham, Suzanne - Grady, Patricia A. - Hinshaw, Ada Sue - Knebel, Ann R. - Robinson, Nellie - Ropka, Mary E. - Seibert, Diane - Stevens, Kathleen R. - Tully, Lois A. - Webb, Jo Ann