APA Style

Petersson, Christina, Björkander, Janne, Fust, Ramona. (2018). Discovering aspects of health—experiences of a web‐based health diary among adults with primary immunodeficiency (Vol. 5 No. 4). : Wiley.

Chicago Style

Petersson, Christina, Björkander, Janne, Fust, Ramona. Discovering aspects of health—experiences of a web‐based health diary among adults with primary immunodeficiency. Vol. 5 No. 4 : Wiley, 2018. Jurnal.

MLA Style

Petersson, Christina, Björkander, Janne, Fust, Ramona. Discovering aspects of health—experiences of a web‐based health diary among adults with primary immunodeficiency. Vol. 5 No. 4 : Wiley, 2018. Jurnal.

Turabian Style

Petersson, Christina, Björkander, Janne, Fust, Ramona. Discovering aspects of health—experiences of a web‐based health diary among adults with primary immunodeficiency. Vol. 5 No. 4 : Wiley, 2018. Jurnal.