Kesehatan Fisik pada Klien Tuberkulosis Paru dan Program Rehabilitasi: Kajian Literatur
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease with a high prevalence in Indonesia and in the world, and continues to increase every year. Global prevalence reached 10 million cases in 2017 with 1.3 million deaths, and in Indonesia reached up to 1,017,290 cases. Pulmonary TB is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The cause of pulmonary TB continues to increase is easy transmission and vulnerable individual and social factors. Many problems are caused by pulmonary TB, especially the physical health problems of the patient which can cause various negative impacts. So, the treatment regimen is not enough in the prevention of this disease, but requires other interventions such as pulmonary rehabilitation programs. This study aims to describe of the physical health of pulmonary TB patients with a literature review method of relevant studies, referenced from articles published and indexed internationally by Scopus for the period 2014-2019 in English and can be accessed full text, with keywords the physical health status of pulmonary TB, pulmonary TB rehabilitation, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Method of analysis by selecting articles according to
inclusion criteria set by researchers, and obtained 11 articles. The analysis describes that in pulmonary TB patients there are physical health problems that cannot be ignored like weight loss, pain and discomfort, fatigue and physical weakness, lack of energy and a decrease in the ability of daily activities, rest and sleep disturbances, and a decrease in the mobility.
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