Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kebiasaan Sarapan Siswa pada SDN Sungai Rangas Hambuku Martapura Barat
In Indonesia, a lot of people aren’t used to having breakfast, report Riskesdas 2010 16,9%-50% school-age children in Indonesia weren’t used to having breakfast, consumption of 35.000 elementary school-age children 26,1% of drink for breakfast and 44,6% had less than 15% nutritional adequency rate of energy intake. The purpose of this study was analyze factors related to breakfast habit of students in SDN Sungai Rangas Hambuku, West Martapura. The present study used descriptive correlational research design with cross sectional approach. Research population were all 4th and 5th grade students with sample of 44 respondents collected technique with proportional stratified random sampling. Analysis data used spearman rho correlation. Results this study found there was no significant relation between gender (p=0.509), education of mother (p=0.117), occupation of mother (p=0.954), family encouragement (p=0.441), availability of breakfast at home (p=0.614), peer (p=0.398), allowance (p=0.979) to breakfast habit.
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