The Influence of Social Support for the Quality of Life Postpartum Mothers in Sukadono Subdistrict Sragen Regency
There are no life events that have big effect in physical, emotional, and social condition such as postpartum period. This transition period is often considered as temporary or unimportant thing. Thus, the postpartum treatment becomes the ignored aspect from the womens health. The social support is important for mothers and childs prosperity. This research is aimed to examine the difference and the influence of social support score and also the quality of life postpartum mothers by home visit 1, 2, and 3. This research employs cross sectional design with longitudinal repeated measure design. (K1) 1 data are taken in neonatus period/KN-2 from 3 to 7 day, (K) 2 dala are taken in lochia period/KF-2 and KN 3 from B to 28 day, and (K) 3 data are taken in lochia period/KF-3 from 29 lo 42 day. The location of this research is conducted in Sukodono sub-district of Sragen regency. The population of this research is postpartum mothers that give birth in the village of Sukodono sub-district area. The research sample is postpartum mothers from 3 to 40 days. This research is conducted in June to October 2013. The sample is selected by purposive sampling with the criteria of postpartum mother inclusion that bears a child in pregnancy period > 28 weeks, have contact with grandmother or grandmother-in-law or respected family and living with husband, and want to be the respondent. According to statistic, there is no significant difference of mean between four kinds of support such as husbands, parents, parents-in-laws, and relatives support (p>0,05), but there is significant difference in relatives support when measuring K2 with K3, and K1 with K3. There is no significant difference of mean score in life quality score of postpartum mothers (p>0,05). For K1, parents, parents-in-laws, and relatives support are not significant in life quality of postpartum mothers, but husbands support is significant with the regression equality of life quality of postpartum mothers = 0,157 + 0,702*husbands support. For K2, spouses and relatives support is significantly are to predict the life quality of postpartum mothers. Model of the equality that is gotten is life quality of postpartum mothers = 0,099 + 0,370*husbands support-O,674*relatives support. For the third visit, spouses and relatives support significantly are to predict the life quality of postpartum mothers. Model of the equality that is gotten is life quality of postpartum mothers = 0,123 + 0,674*husbands support-O,633*relatives support.
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